Monday, 7 May 2012

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

New LIterature Circle Unit

Hello all,

Just after spring break we have begun a new literature circle unit. This will be very similar to the previous unit but with different books and the addition of transition words at the beginning of each fact.

Each week students will:

- three Expanded Vocabulary Words and write the sentence or the main part of the sentence as it is written in the book.

- two/three Reactions (or wonders) to the text

- five facts using transition words (examples glued into their books beside the cover page they created)

Groups will meet on:

Tuesday: Dear Hound
Wednesday: The World According to Humphrey
Thursday: Smarter Than Squirrels
Friday: The Dragon's Child

Any further question please email me

Oreo Moon Phases

As a fun activity to wrap up our space unit we used Oreo cookies to demonstrate the moon phases.

Check out the pictures.







Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Literature Circles

Beginning this week, we will be starting Literature Circles. The students were placed into groups according to the books they were interested in reading. The assignments for this project will either be done in school or at home based on what the student decides.

Each week, the groups will be assigned chapter(s) to read. Then complete a writing component in their reading journal. For the first week, students will be required to create a title page for their story in their reading book and write five facts (or events) from the assigned chapter(s). In the front of their reading books, there is a example of how their work should be laid out on their page. There will be a second writing component introduced in the second week. Check back next Tuesday for more information.

Students in the following groups will be meeting on:

Clementine - Tuesday
The Lemonade Wars - Wednesday
Stink-The Incredible Shrinking Kid - Thursday
The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane - Friday

Thanks for your support with this project! Please contact me via email if you have any questions or concerns regarding this project.